Diet is a bad word

The new year begins and so does my annual endeavor to be on a “diet”. It doesn’t last long – because going on a diet implies restriction, and who wants that?!

If the word “diet” is so negative, why does our industry continue to call food service “Dietary”?

We have a wonderful opportunity to advocate for new language in healthcare. It all starts with you! New terminology is learned through repetition. In the past several years, Culture Change in Long Term Care has encouraged a shift in vocabulary to reinforce person centered care over institutional practices. If we want to eliminate the institutional sounding “Dietary Department” – we should shift our language to Dining Services or Food and Nutrition Services. As well as Dining Manager or Food Service Manager.

Think about what dining means to your community – choice, service, and exceptional food quality are the work of a Dining Services Department. Pledge to eliminate the word "dietary" from your vocabulary today!

Diet is a bad word

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