• Resources to the rescue!

    Resources to the rescue!
    Don't get stranded without the resources you need! DiningRD can help. Check out our recently published manuals and resource toolkits for your foodservice operation.
  • Grow and cook from the ground up!

    Grow and cook from the ground up!
  • Recipe Modifications for IDDSI

    Recipe Modifications for IDDSI
    Following the IDDSI guidelines means new procedures for recipes. Check out the new changes available in Health Technologies' Dining Manager Menu Program. 
  • Quality Assurance Performance Improvement

    Quality Assurance Performance Improvement
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) define QAPI as “the coordinated application of two mutually-reinforcing aspects of a quality management system: Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI).” Although this may sound complicated, Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement can be found rooted in food service operations.
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