Quality Assurance Performance Improvement

Foodservice inspection kitchen

QAPI /kwā pe/

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) define QAPI as “the coordinated application of two mutually-reinforcing aspects of a quality management system: Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI).” Although this may sound complicated, Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement can be found rooted in food service operations.

Think about the Quality Assurance as it relates to food service – this includes everything from inspecting food deliveries to rotating product in the storeroom. Similarly, Performance Improvement also has application in food service operations. Consider things such as resident satisfaction surveys, test tray reviews, mock surveys, and more!

QAPI is about pulling together Quality Assurance with Performance Improvement to track changes and progress. A QAPI plan should establish areas for focus along with measurement tools for ongoing assessment and monitoring.

Consider having a policy in place for quality control in dining services. The policy may also include procedures and tools such as a Dining Room Inspection form or Kitchen Inspection form. Other suggested tools to measure and monitor the quality of the Dining Services Department may include:

  • Meal satisfaction form
  • Test tray accuracy and temperature audit form
  • Handwashing audit tool
  • Resident satisfaction questionnaire
  • Food temperature logs

QAPI should be a team effort. Be sure to communicate the principles of QAPI to your food service team. Create a bulletin board in the kitchen to share goals, progress, and achievements.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.” – William A. Foster

Health Technologies Guideline and Procedure Manual is an excellent resource for long-term care food service operations.

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