What’s For Lunch?

Delicious and attractive looking food can do more than benefit residents and patients; foodservice in healthcare has an even greater opportunity to capture sustaining revenue by selling its tasty food creations to hungry employees.

Offering foodservice to employees is mutually beneficial for both the foodservice department and the employee. The foodservice department has the opportunity to generate financial support from the sale of food as well as endorsement from satisfied employee customers for delectable meals. Simultaneously, the foodservice department has meet a need for the hungry employee – too busy to pack a lunch or unable to leave the building for fast food at break time.

Marketing your foodservice to employees is easy. Here are a few examples:

  • Lunch from the foodservice department saves you time. No need to leave the building – get the most out of your break time by picking up your lunch from the kitchen, hot and ready!
  • Eating out is expensive. Employees receive a discounted price on all meals provided by the foodservice department. Your meal is guaranteed to be less expensive than most fast food restaurants.
  • Help us, help you, help our residents. Eat with us and help us provide the best food possible to our residents. We’re looking for your suggestions and feedback to continue to improve our menu for our residents too.

    Keep in mind it is essential to monitor and control food provided to employees from the foodservice department. Establish a procedure for collecting payment for meals and guidelines for menu offerings. With these precautions, employee meals can contribute to added revenue for the foodservice department and increased employee engagement.

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