Take a bite out of IDDSI!

It's here - IDDSI

  • The International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) created global standardized terminology and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened liquids
  • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association jointly supported IDDSI on May 1, 2019
  • Beginning October 2021, IDDSI will be the only texture-modified diet recognized by NCM® (Nutrition Care Manual)
IDDSI key points

Getting started with IDDSI does not have to difficult... start with a Fork and Spoon!

IDDSI Implementation Roadmap

Learning a new language can be challenging

  • Reward yourself and your teammates for using new terms


    Doing away with food lists

    • IDDSI allows for almost any food to be modified to a safe texture
    • Testing methods allow for verification of texture and viscosity for safety
    • Concerned about bread? Even bread should be modified! Watch this video on how to prepare a Minced and Moist sandwich

    IDDSI Bread

    Need help with your menu? DiningRD has the menu resources  you need!

    Ask a menu support specialist for more information about adding the IDDSI diets to your menu program.

    Call: 800-544-3059 (Option 1 - Menu Department)

    Text: 314-833-8850

    Email: Menus@DiningRD.com

    Not a customer yet? No problem! Let us show you IDDSI in the Dining Manager menu program with a free software demo. Click here to schedule your demo!

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